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"If you need some special applications, we can develope it to you"

CENTRALSOFT offer all the services related to the development of applications that your company needs.

  For our development, we used platforms like:
Windows 2000, XP, NT, Unix, Linux.

  Our programmers are expert and develop in differents tools like:
Java, Visual Basic, Perl, PHP, HTML,XML, Cobol, Focus.

  We use the combination of differents tools in the following data bases:
SQL, MySQL, Btrive, Flat Files.

CENTRALSOFT count with solutions for the following industries:
  Bank, Cooperative, Financiers

We have agreements with Panamanian Companies, as with companies from United States, Center and South America. That allow us to present a portfolio with very diverse alternatives to increase the efficiency and the productivity handling of our customers.

Our permanent presence in the local market, make us experts in your problematic, and as consequence, our software solutions, fruits of years studying, analyses and experience, satisfy our customers necessities.

We guarantee the success of our time implementations, form and quality, offering products highly proved and extremely stables, which allows that the applications get in course in a fast and adequate form.

To obtain more information contact us