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Who we are?
CENTRALSOFT is a Panamanian company dedicated to the development and technological product commercialization and services of end. The objective is to offer to the commercial community in the banking, commercial and construction areas, systems and services of forward edge, developed or represented in the international community.

The most important supply is an efficient service, with the best quality personal attention, is because of this, that we work associated with our customers to advice them in the search of the best adapted solutions of software that exist in the market; with the purpose of obtaining its implementation and handling. We do it thinking in the necessities of our customers at the time of select the most appropriated solution to solve the technological problems of its companies. In this way, we contributed to improve the process of enterprise in the financial sector, industrial and / or commercials.

Our Company
CENTRALSOFT has professionals of vast experience with more than 15 years in the computer science industry and the administrative branch, to offer products and services developed with technology for the differents customers in the territory of the Republic of Panama, Central America, Caribbean and others

We have agreements with Panamanians Companies, as with companies from United States, Central and South America; that allow us to present a portfolio with diverse alternatives to increase the efficiency and productivity handling of our customers.


Be the best option for channels of sales and final customers in the product market and computer science services, that satisfy the technological necessities with the private and governmental institution in the region.
To offer the best advising and service, so that our customers will obtain the greater benefit of the products that we represented in the matter of information systems for the optimal processing of the data.



We have defined them for the development of the markets and support to the final channels and customers.


Representation and Distribution
Of products of high quality and technology of end in the region of Central America, Andean and Caribbean Countries, with integrity, commitment and flexibility in the service. We look for the integration of our customers to the new technological generation through the guaranteed service for the distribution and delivery of our products.

In the strategical support to companies, through our experience and knowledge to improve the information processing and increase the productivity of its collaborators. For this we provide the most complete information of our products, training, support and a continuous update in the improvements and innovation of our products.

Customer Attention
Standing able to help and assist our customers, with a constant communication and our customized service.

Our People

We are proud to count with members and personnel able in the computer science world, in relation to the handling and selection of solutions, which allow us to give an advising at managerial and technical level concerning to the attention of the customers and the training in the handling and control of products.

CENTRALSOFT is formed by a team of people, ready to offer a reliable and careful support to answer at the necessities, restlessness and suggestions of our customers in its markets. The constant training and the commitment with the quality service are the spine that sustains the performance of our collaborators.