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Benefits of CsoftSign for Correspondents and Personnel of the Bank

The world of business is evolving at great speed without restrictions of distance, zones, schedules, languages or currencies. If the change rate is unstoppable, the businesses opportunities are equally limitless; then the only limits of growth are those that exists in our minds.

Internet impels our future. The new and innovating technologies are evolving and thus our way to carry out transactions. The financial institutions must incorporate technologies that satisfy the exigencies with the new technological world, through INTERNET.

For this reason, CENTRALSOFT offers its services Consultations CsoftSign for Correspondents, in order that all their correspondents and personnel can have access, in a safe form, to the Bank's Signature.

Inconveniences of the Traditional Procedure:

  Cost caused by shipment and maintenance of old books of Signature, microcards or CDs by email UPS, DHL..

  Cost in long distance calls, with the purpose of including or excluding signers.

  Problems related to the schedule, wich generates insecurity as far as the update of the companies authorized.

  Internal cost of creation, getting up the impression of the microcards and the urgent necessity of count on with the pertinent
    equipment; added to the high price of chemical paper that is needed for these aims.


  Our solution for the correspondents and personnel of the financial institutions is to offer an advisable, continuous and safe access.

 This system allows the correspondents and its personnel, the consultations in a permanent way.

  It allows to add and to eliminate signers at any time, so the information stays updated permanently.

  It allows to generate automatic notifications through electronic mails.

  It avoids the investment in reference to the acquisitions of servers and special programs used to administer the signature's
    system, therefore; it also reduce the cost of the inherent logistic of them.

Banks Affiliated with the System

The world of business is evolving at great speed without restriction of distance, zones, schedule, languages or currencies. If the change rate is unstoppable, the business opportunities are equally limitless; then the only limits of growth are those that exists in our minds.

Our clients